Crystalens is an artificial lens implant that, unlike a standard IOL, can treat both a person’s cataracts and presbyopia—loss of near and intermediate vision. You probably noticed in your forties that you started to lose some of your up-close vision and had to start wearing reading glasses. Crystalens not only treats your cataracts (a clouding or hardening of your lens); many patients hardly if ever wear glasses after surgery. It does so by recreating accommodation similar to your eye’s natural lens. The unique Crystalens is designed to allow you to enjoy a fuller, more natural range of vision for most activities, including: reading a book, working on the computer, and driving a car.
Is Crystalens right for you?
Crystalens was modeled after the human eye. Like the natural lens, it is a lens implant that uses the eye muscle to flex and accommodate in order to focus on objects in the environment at all distances. Crystalens dynamically adjusts to your visual needs.
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Crystalens is designed to allow the optic, or the central circular part of the lens that you see through, to move back and forth as you constantly change focus on images around you. Crystalens, like your natural lens, flexes as you focus your vision.
Crystalens is:
- The first and only FDA-approved accommodating intraocular lens
- The only FDA-approved intraocular lens that uses the natural focusing ability of the eye
- The only FDA-approved presbyopia correcting IOL for cataract patients that provides a single focal point throughout a continuous range of vision
Few patients with Crystalens have experienced problems with glare, halos and night vision. Crystalens focuses only one image to the back of the eye, unlike a multifocal lens that projects multiple images, requiring your brain to “adjust” to the differences.
The effectiveness of Crystalens was proven in clinical trials:
- Significantly more patients implanted with a Crystalens (88.4%) could see better at all distances than patients implanted with a standard IOL (35.9%).
- Most patients have continued to report excellent vision 7 years after implantation with Crystalens. More than 200,000 Crystalens intraocular lens implants have been implanted worldwide, and that number is growing daily.
Crystalens accommodates like the natural lens. After implantation of Crystalens, most patients will see brighter and clearer across a wider range of distances like they did when they were younger.
ONLY FDA-Approved accommodating IOL
Crystalens was the first presbyopia correcting IOL introduced into the United States market and is currently the only FDA-approved accommodating IOL. Crystalens addresses the limitations of standard monofocal IOLs and multifocal IOLs by providing the following advantages to patients:
- Provides a Broad Range of Vision: Crystalens moves and changes shape using the eye’s natural focusing mechanism, instead of remaining fixed and stationary within the eye. This movement, or accommodation, allows the eye to focus on objects across a broad range of distances. Many patients hardly if ever wear glasses after surgery. In particular, this accommodation provides significant advantages in addressing intermediate vision.
- Maintains Clarity of Vision: Unlike multifocal lenses, Crystalens directs all available light received by the eye to a single focal point, comparable to that of a healthy natural lens.
- Patient Adjustment Not Required: Crystalens produces a single image consistent with normal vision, meaning patients do not need to neuroadapt to viewing multiple images. Patients also do not need to tolerate or adjust to high levels of halos and glare often associated with multifocal IOLs.